Full Moon Beams: Rein in & Radiate


There’s a reason why there are so many cultural and religious mythologies surrounding the coming of the full moon. Not only is Luna magnificent to witness in her bright, swelling mass, but she possesses power over the water of the earth. Her magnetic gravity pulls world’s oceans and waters toward her, altering the tides. In her power over the water, she holds a certain grasp on humans as well, as we are approximately 65% water. This magnetic pull influences many people, from emotional issues to personal perspectives, to emergency room influxes and feminine cycles harmonizing with the lunar cycle.

As the moon waxes, gaining space in the sky until she is in full bloom, I have a variety of reactions that alter my emotional state or my perspective. Sometimes during the full moon I feel more spacey and disconnected, as if I am floating above the Earth. I crave grounding and stability to even out my loopy state of mind. Other times, I feel intensely emotional as if each trickling event was of surging importance, a mentality in which everything is heightened: small annoyances turn into anger, moments of frustration turn into tears of despair, little inspirations turn into hours of intense creativity, little jolts of happiness turn into laughter and hyped up excitement…

During these intense days of the full moon or even during my female cycle, I find myself turning to these simple acts to reclaim my emotional state, to ground and center my mind-body connection, or to channel Luna’s energy surge into something powerful.

Play this ethereal playlist as you choose one of my favorite ways to rein in the moon beams and positively radiate them back out into the world:

Ethereal Playlist:



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Rein In


Gather some candles, incense, essential oils, scrubs, and bubbles. Fill up the tub with something you’ve created yourself or something that simply soothes you. Lavender essential oil is my favorite, it immediately calms my senses, releases tension, and re-calibrates my mind and body.



There are a million guided meditations out there on youtube.  There are guided meditations to ease anxiety, for new beginnings, for inner peace, to encourage a restful night’s sleep, to empower you, to ignite your creative spark… Allow yourself time to find a video that you connect with, a voice that soothes you, and a meditation that suits your needs. Feel free to be picky and particular, this is, after all, your mind-body-soul that craves comfort. Here are some of my favorites:

Chakra Clearing

A Walk in the Woods



Take an hour or more to connect with nature, using your senses to harmonize with the earth. Feel the sun warming your body, the grass tickling your toes, the wind caressing your wrists and ankles. Breathe in the fresh green aromas of mother nature as you synchronize your breath with her’s. Bear witness to the hauntingly bright moon as she fills the air with her afterglow. Listen to poetry chant with each ocean wave as it laps at the shore, the birds calling to one another from their branches, the peaceful silence of standing among beings content with simply growing.




Uncover your favorite mug. Pull out your best tea pot. Unleash the scent of those lovely little leaves of your favorite decaffeinated tea: chamomile, green, berry, jasmine, ginger, lemon, vanilla. Maybe add some honey.

Take both hands, embrace the mug, feel the warmth and comfort it provides. Before you sip, breathe in the aroma of the steeping leaves, take your time on this cup of tea. Let the comfort provided by this warm little mug wash over you. Breathe easier, move slower, and feel yourself grounding down.

2014-05-25 12.18.00


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Channel your feelings, your emotions, your inventiveness, & your imagination during this wide open space of the full moon to create a masterpiece. What is your favorite mode of creation? Allow your thoughts to simply flow, creative expression is meant for no other reason than to free your mind and open your heart. So let you pen or marker or paintbrush fill up the page with swirls and words, lines and color.

My thoughts fill up pages in haphazard ways, curved lines and interrupted spaces cover the pages of my journal, pencil drawings of flowers and water-colored scenes from Israel float atop my desk, inspired words and quotes expressing my inner self bubble up and through my fingers.

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Dancing. Yoga. Running. Lifting. Pilates. Biking. Hiking. When we move our bodies during these powerful days we circulate dead energy and revitalize ourselves. Each sweat session is like a new birth, rejuvenating your mind-body-soul, reconnecting to yourself. Take your time, let the movement sink into your bones and nestle into nooks of emotional pain and places of resistance. Be kind and loving to yourself; use this movement as an expression and exploration of you.




Go on an adventure! Go to that farmer’s market you’ve been wanting to visit. Feel free to be a tourist in your own town. Investigate a local park, picnic basket in tow. Meander through local museums, conservatories or gardens. Courageously step out of your comfort zone to try a new activity, maybe rock climbing or gardening.

Feel the creative energy surge throughout your adventure and ride it. Let the waves crash upon you, let them guide you, let yourself feel the immense power of life and love surrounding you, and just flow with it.




Do you have any other methods of reining in and radiating during the full moon?

Hope you all enjoy this super moon in Aquarius tomorrow xo



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  1. Thank you so much for stopping by and liking my latest post, you’re awfully kind. Great post by the way. I will definitely add some of these to my own little me time rituals.


  2. I love this! I have always called myself a moonchild and my emotions are very reflective upon what phase the moon is at. I really love this post and am so glad to hear other people are the same with the moon.

    P.S. I found you over at The Sacred Sisterhood 😉


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